Sunday, May 4, 2014

Dealing with arguing and fighting.

This is one of the hardest issues to deal with - Fighting (sigh).  As a mother my love is for all of you and when you argue with each other I find my own emotions in havoc.  Being fair and helping you work through your own anger or emotions can be confusing.  I often fall back on house rules, try to acknowledge your anger, practice speaking to one another and then separate if all else fails!

But the turmoil it can cause for me is one that I am trying to understand and work through!  All kids fight, right?  It is a normal part of development and a part of parenting.  So, why do I want to run or scream myself when the boys are fighting!!  Keeping my emotions in check is a constant battle.

This article from Parenting is how I want to handle Sibling fighting and in an ideal world I would do this consistently, for now I will continue trying to hone in on my skill!

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