Friday, June 18, 2010

Boys, boys, boys...

Cooper is now 9 months old and a handful! He still remains calm and easy going but now he is on the move. He has been crawling for a bit and about a month ago started climbing stairs. His current tasks is working on standing without support. He will stand.. let go.. fall.. He is good at squatting and lowering himself down to a seated position but you can tell he is determined to get this standing thing figured out. He has had two bloody lips already and barely seems to notice. He is a good sleeper and eater. We have totally moved him away from babyfood, he loves almost anything enchiladas, turkey, cheese, crackers... All I can say is busy, busy.

Griffin is two and talking. He is funny. I took the kids for a walk on their bikes the other day and Griffin picked up quite a bit of speed as he rolled into our driveway. I was running next to him telling him to stop but he kept going launching himself up into the air as he entered our driveway!! He did the superman bit in the air then a faceplant across the blacktop! Ouch. The funny thing is that he will do it again..

Jack is my helper, well most of the time. He surprises me every now and then and will tell me what a word says. He won't admit to knowing how to write all his letters but will easily ask me how I spell my name and then proceed to write it... If I ask him to practice his name or a letter he will refuse. Not sure why but he will not take any direction from mommy!

Garry has his hands full with his new store! But he will get it in shape. He got an award this last month for his service scores which I think he only told me.. Only 12 awards were given out of more than 100 managers... Modest.

I am doing better than I thought. The longer I am alone the more I have relaxed and gotten myself into a routine with the boys. The weather has helped, playing outside and going for walks makes everyone happy! I am in the process of looking for my internship for the fall and will start classes in September. Both I am looking forward too.

The count down begins..

We are all anxious to be back together. We close on our current home on July 22nd and then close on our new home on July 30th. It is going to be crazy but exciting. The movers come on the 21st to pack us then they will load us on the 22nd. We will stay with Garry's folks for a few days, get to see Rusty and Heather and enjoy Levi and Misti's Wedding in Estes Park. Then we will stay in a Cabin in the Mountains for a week while we enjoy the feeling of no responsibilities.. Then back to reality when we close on our home and somehow get hardwood floors laid prior to us moving in, hmmm, that should be interesting since we only have the cabin til the 31st. We may have to stay with friends, funny, the Rickart V showing up on your doorstep.. Somewhat scary! Then we are off to Montana for two weeks... First a stop at the Rapson's which I am looking forward too and then to the NW corner of the state to Melissa's cabin! It sounds absolutely beautiful. A much needed break from our day to day lives...