Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Update ~ 2011

This winter has flown by and spring is slowly arriving.  Jack participated in his first school concert, hopefully the first of many.  It was great, they focused on transportation and each grade sang songs from their mode of transport.  Too cute.  Griffin is begging to go to school, have friends over for playdates and just grow up like Jack.  Griffin also had Croup this winter and his first trip to the ER, hopefully not the first of many.  We have narrowed down our preschool choices to two and just need to make a decision.  Both will be good options but trying to decide which one Griffin will like better is the tough part.  Cooper is BUSY!  He is talking a lot and willing to try any word, he is extremely active and has found his voice in the family.  Garry's job has settled down for the most part and with that his home improvement list has picked up.  Poor guy.  Not really, he loves it!  We both do, it's nice to live in a home that the renovations are not immediate and it gives us time and ease.  Garry had a boys weekend with his dad and brother to Vegas.  I am off to Arizona this weekend with girlfriends to relax by the pool, talk a lot, and relax!  I can't wait.  I also have had my graduation date set: 12/16/11.  A pretty big deal, I finally will have finished my MSW!  What a long road but one that is worth it.  We think of all of our friends and family often and welcome visitors!

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