Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Walking Hillcrest

Walking Hillcrest (our street) is no easy thing, pushing 50lbs. As you may or may not know I love to walk with the boys, especially on days when nothing seems to be going smoothly, such as today. So, on a cool, wet morning, I bundle the boys up in the double bike carriage also used as a stroller, throw a blanket on them then proceed to layer myself in 5 layers of clothes. I am typically cold. Then off we go down, down, down to the downtown area. Stop at the Lampstand, get a latte and a sticky bun. Let the boys play. Bundle them back up, make a stop at the post office for suckers and then a stop at Safeway to say hi to daddy. Then up, up, up we go. Today I thought I would try a different route hoping to avoid the dreaded "suicide hill", needless to say this was a more gradual hill but longer and without sidewalks on a busy street. The city just redid this entire stretch of road and decided that sidewalks were not a must!! Frustrating to say the least. I find myself walking on the streets often here, and where there are sidewalks, they are broken up and have these step ups that are not made for a stroller or wheelchair of any sort. But in the end we made it home, mommy in a cold sweat wondering when I will no longer be able to be pregnant and push two small boys up a hill. Hopefully, never since it is one of those pleasures that I don't want to give up.


hopeful_explorer said...

you could be out in the country more-- pushing on dirt roads and one-lane "highways", crossing cattle grates as you go! :) glad that you are getting out and about though.

Maura said...

Very true... thanks for the reminder. I will be thankful for the hill. :)

Sarah said...

Sounds like a great exercise!! Makes me tired just thinking about it!