The workings, joys and havoc of one mother's mind from raising three boys all close in age...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Inspiration Park
A recent trip to Inspiration Park... Jack saw a couple older boys digging in the sand, he walked up towards the boys, hesitated, then mustered up his courage, and walked up to the boys and said "hey guys, what are you doing?" The boys replied "we're digging a hole." Jack stood there and said "can I help?" The boys replied "sure." Jack walked around to an open spot and began digging. We were very proud of our social butterfly... Pretty good for a two year old.
Didn't know how to get a hold of you any other way-- this is NAOMI-- just loving your pictures... and just realizing that you are only 4 hours away from me! I had no idea that you were expecting-- congratulations!! SO happy for you! Get in touch... or
Didn't know how to get a hold of you any other way-- this is NAOMI-- just loving your pictures... and just realizing that you are only 4 hours away from me! I had no idea that you were expecting-- congratulations!! SO happy for you! Get in touch... or
what a big boy Jack is becoming!!
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