Thursday, October 9, 2008

Griffin's first tooth plus more..

I took the boys to Fossil Creek Park on Tuesday, as we were walking around I happened to feel something sharp in Griffin's mouth - his first tooth!! How exciting... We had noticed him drooling a lot and constantly putting his fist in his mouth, well now we know why.

Griffin has also started sleeping through the night! I finally feel like I am getting some sleep and am feeling better throughout the day. He is more regular throughout the day as well, as far as naps and eating. I recently started him on rice cereal as well, which I might add was not the reason he started sleeping through the night! That is an old wise tale. Anyways, he rejected the cereal for a while but yesterday and today he has been devouring it, I did mash a bit of banana in it and he loves it! Yeah - finally a child that seems to get the idea that eating can be enjoyable.

We are off to Ogallala tomorrow. Garry rented a house on the lake for the month. We were tired of being alone in Fort Collins and he was tired of being alone in a hotel in Ogallala, so he found a furnished house to rent. Garry drove out tonight with the Passat packed full and tomorrow evening the boys and I will make the journey. I downloaded the movie "Cars" to my iTouch for Jack to watch on the ride and hopefully Griffin will sleep the entire way since we will leave at his bedtime, 7 pm. My girlfriend, Melissa is coming over in the afternoon to help with packing and kids, but mostly my sanity. Thanks Melissa.

I am feeling sad and excited about what lies ahead. The actual thought of leaving our beautiful home in Fort Collins, the home I brought my boys home to and the many memories Garry and I have shared here makes me nostalgic. But, on the other hand I welcome the change.

5239 Cornerstone Drive

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

long lost friends...

So, I am slow at updating the blog lately. My days go by so quickly and I find it hard to find time to sit at the computer. Anyways, we had a great trip home to New York. During our visit I was able to reconnect with some close High School friends, Jessica Fonte and Jamie Clinton... Of course now they are married with kids. One of the highlights of the night was when Jamie's son Conner took this picture... How sweet!