Well, we made it to NY pretty smoothly ~ that is mommy, Jack and Griffin. Garry is working hard in Ogallala, so I decided to pack up the boys and spend some time with my family in NY. Jack was so excited that he packed his backpack the day before we left with some essential toys and walked around the house with it on and telling me that he was ready to go to grandma chickie's. I kept telling him it was for tomorrow and Jack would say "no, today not tomorrow." Anyways, the two flights were good. Jack was outstanding. He gave me a bit of a time going through security ~ refusing to take his shoes off. You have to know Jack but something about taking his shoes off probably made him nervous. Other than that he was great, he slept on the first flight to the point that I had to nudge him awake. On the second flight he had a window seat and was in heaven. He has been on quite a few flights but now he gets it. It was one of those moments that you lock in your memory to remember the innocence of being three. Griffin is a true ham ~ smiling at anyone that will look his way. Walking with the flight attendant and just enjoying being on mommy's lap. He did get fussy on the decents but I think his ears were bothering him. Of course, I was exhausted but pleasantly surprised at how well everything went. Now that we are here we are all enjoying having grandma chickie's love and attention. Mom is even fixing meals! Anyone that knows my mom knows that that is a stretch. Aunt Sarah and the kids came over today which was great as well. The kids (Alex, Hudson and Ethan) are getting sooo big! It makes me crazy. Jack looks up to his big cousins and had a great time playing with them and all the toys that Ethan brought over to share with Jack. Thanks cousin Ethan. Tomorrow we will pack up and spend the day with Aunt Sarah. Uncle Justin will be home Thursday and we are excited to see him as well. I will post some photos later.